Heartburn can be frightening and alarming because it feels like a heart attack to some people. Millions of people suffer from this condition, and they feel varying degrees of pain and discomfort. Some people suffer from heartburn occasionally, but others suffer from frequent heartburn. Those that suffer occasionally might just take some syrups or tablets that alleviate the symptoms when the pain occurs. These people often forget about heartburn until the next attack when they get out their medicines for relief. Those that suffer attacks of heartburn two or more times a week should consult with a physician to make sure that they do not have a serious condition.
These people with frequent heartburn may be able to solve the problem with medicine as well after their physician checks their systems carefully. All of the people who suffer from heartburn will benefit from a heartburn diet which will stave off an attack of heartburn. A heartburn diet outlines foods that a person should exclude from their diet and foods that they should include in their diet. People who follow a heartburn diet should find relief from heartburn without taking any medicines.
A Heartburn Diet Should Be Easy to Follow
A good heartburn diet should include foods that are nutritious, but foods that will not produce heartburn. Some fruits are good to add to a heartburn diet; these include apples and bananas. Vegetables add nutrition so these should be chosen carefully for a good heartburn diet. Broccoli, cabbage and carrots are nutritious foods that can be included in a heartburn diet. Chicken and extra lean beef can be included in a heartburn diet. Some cheese can be included in this diet including feta cheese and soy cheese.
Some foods should be definitely excluded in a heartburn diet including any that have a lot of acid in them. Tomatoes and oranges contain a lot of acid so these should not be included in a diet to avoid heartburn. Mashed potatoes, French fries and raw onions can produce heartburn so these should also be avoided by those with heartburn tendencies. Alcoholic beverages and those with caffeine should be avoided by those suffering with heartburn. Sour cream, ice cream and cottage cheese could produce heartburn so these foods should be excluded by those suffering from heartburn. Chocolate, donuts and creamy desserts could produce heartburn so these should be avoided by anyone worried about heartburn.
world of heartburn - facts, figures and everything else you wanted to know about heartburn
The Where, What, How and Why of heartburn
Detailed information on heartburn,
04 Apr 07 10:21:00 UTC
San Francisco Gate - Editor -- I suffered from constant acid reflux -- heartburn -- for 30 years. I stopped drinking tap water more than 15 years ago, and I no longer suffer from acid reflux and many other skin problems and other complaints. I drink only boiled ...
Heartburn Free Life